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More pictures!!

Me, before getting sick! I cant remember if Carter or Keaton took this picture!!

My sister in law, Chelsea, and my nephew Colby at the baby show!

I thought this was a cute pic of Kenzi in her tub!!

The girls: Mikaela, Cerallin & Kenzi
Smiley Kenzi

Kenzi and Carter

Another Smiley Mackenzie

Can you tell I love having the smiles?

This was the first real smile caught on camera!

Mikaela, Carter, and Keaton looking at Kenzi

Sleeping Mackenzie

All the kiddos! Starting from the left upper:
Carter, Colby, Mikaela, Mackenzie, Keaton, and Cerallin

The babies! Colby, Kenzi & Cerallin

Mikaela & Mackenzie

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