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Seems like I never have enough time for anything!! I have thought about blogging, but since a certain someone messed up my laptop, I havent had much of a chance to get on!

Things are going ok! Seems along with not having enough time, I also dont have enough money! But I know I am not the only one! The kids start back to school on the 20th! Kaela isnt too excited about school, but she gets to play volleyball this year! She starts practice the 17th! I am really excited about that for her too! She is an awesome volleyball player!

Carter is really looking forward to school this year! He is going into the 2nd grade! He is the one when you ask if he is ready, he is excited about it!! Keaton is pretty excited too! He will be going into the big Kindergarten!! This will be interesting for him! K here is an all day affair!

Z is getting bigger and bigger by the day!! I cant believe how big she is getting!! She is 17 months already!! Where has the time gone? Our morning routine will be a bit different this year! I will only have her to take to the sitters.

Well, I need to go clean some more! I came to put a sheet on the bed and decided to blog real quick! I want to get on here more! Whether that happens or not we shall see!

I am back again.

Quite a bit of time has passed. Not that I havent wanted to get on here and blog. But sometimes I find myself worrying about what to put on here. Dont get me wrong, I have a ton to talk about, just not always what everyone else might find interesting.

I have been really emotional here lately! If I didnt know better I would think I was pregnant! But that is definately NOT the case. I just wish I could figure it out. Of course, I'm sure the fact that I have sucked at taking my generic paxil has nothing to do with it!

It has been crazy busy at our house! Between basketball practices and games going on between Carter and Kaela, it isnt surprising. Carter has gotten to work with the high school boys team, and has done so good. They had quite a few practices, and then two weeks ago they had there games. So cute watching all those little 1st graders running around and shooting hoops! Kaela is playing Rec basketball! And I have to admit, I am VERY proud of her basketball skills!! She seems to be a natural when it comes to basketball, volleyball, and softball! I hope she continues to excell and have fun in all 3 of these sports! Her basketball team has only lost 1 game, and won 5 of them! She has scored in all the games so far. The one game I didnt get to watch, she scored 10 pts!!!

Keaton is still my little Keaton! Always cracking us up! I of course cant think of any of the funny things he has done now that I am actually on here!

Kenzi is my little angel still! Even thou there are times I go crazy!! I cant believe she is growing up so fast! She is 10 months. Kaela thinks its funny to say "Hey mom, kenzi is almost a year old!" I keep telling her to shut up and quit reminding me!! *LOL*

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