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I hate sad days!

I am sitting here laying in my bed listening to Mikaela sniffle her tears.  Today has not been a good day! I dont understand why things have to happen they way they do.  One of Mikaela's classmates lost her life today.  Madison and Deana were out riding on a four wheeler at Madison's house.  I guess there was some unlevel ground, and the four wheeler flipped forward, landing on Madison, and flinging Deana off.  I can only imagine that Madison's instinct was to keep hold of the handlebar.  Deana broke a bone in her upper left arm, and chipped her shoulder.  

Casey went to Royals game with a buddy that he rides to work with for opening day.  They
were watching batting practice and Scott got a call that his wife had been in a car accident and that she died. 

My heart hurts so bad today.  More so today than other days.  I think it is because I know the hurt that Madison's parents are feeling.  And I think of Scott and his two young children.  It is just hard to believe that in our small community that we have lost two young people...especially a child.  It makes me really think.  That so could have been Kaela.  Or it could have been Casey.  Casey and I have our differences, but I dont know what I would do if he was killed in a car accident. 


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