Been almost a full year since I have been here. I have thought of posting something. But every single time I have thought of posting, it has only been negative stuff. I have decided that I am going to try to start blogging again. It seemed to help me before. So I am hoping that I will be able to do it again. I guess the main reason I wasnt able to blog had to do with the fact that I didnt really have my own computer to just blog whenever I want to. But thankfully I have another net book! I started selling Scentsy a few months ago, and that made it possible for me to purchase another netbook! Thank goodness!!
So being that it is New Year's Eve, I guess I should make myself accountable by putting out there what I would like to accomplish in the year 2012! I dont really want to call them resolutions, cuz they never seem to happen.
1. Get back into running! Last year I felt so much better when I attempted to exercise. And I did so good up until we went to Arizona for spring break. Over in Europe they dont prescribe anti-depressants as much, but they do prescribe exercise. I believe that it works too! So I am going to attempt to get back into running!
2. Try to work on my finances! I think that tends to be some of my marriage issues. Not all of it, but I think that will help. I think that will make me feel better too! I am due for an upgrade on my cell phone in May. I really would like to get the new Samsung Mesmerize 2 when it comes out...and I'm eligible. So I am going to use this as my motivation!
3. Try not to be so down, have a more positive outlook about everything. I think this will make me better all the way around. I am going to try not to be so snappy with my family. I am hoping if #1 and #2 work, then that will help with this too!
4. Stop biting my damn nails! I love how they look when they are long, but it is just a bad habit that I have a hard time not doing. Once again, I think #1 and #2 can help with this also! Sooooo...I guess I really need to work on them huh! LOL
5. Work on keeping my house clean! Maybe if I can work on the finances, then I will be able to buy things to decorate the house up to what I see in my mind!
Whew! I think I feel a little better just putting that out there. Maybe I will be able come blog more too, as a release of sorts. Last year when I was running, I always felt better when I held myself accountable by putting what distance I went and the time, etc.
Wow!! Another year has gone by!! I cant believe it!! I am hoping for 2011 to be a good year. But then again, I always hope it will be a good new year. I tend to get a little sad each New Years eve...especially thinking back on all that has happened in the past year, good and bad.
Im trying to make this be a good year. I am going to try to make use of this rec center we have here! So, i have been going up and using the treadmill some. And the bike, and the elliptical a small bit! Someone on facebook mentioned a program call couch to 5k. So, I have been using it. So far I have finished the first week. There were a few times last summer/fall that I wished I was a runner. So here I am.
I am amazed at how fast the years seem to be flying by. I cant believe I have an 8th grader!! Oh, and she is a teenager to boot!! Sad thing is that I dont feel much older than the kids that are seniors this year!! :(
Mikaela has had a productive school year so far. Her grades have been extremely good! Only took her until 8th grade to realize they ARE important!! :) Volleyball season was pretty good. The poor girl got sick on the first day of school, and missed it and the second day. I have a feeling that is the reason why she only made JV for volleyball. She is definately a Varsity player!! I cant remember what the final record was...but they went undefeated!! Basketball was a really great season for her!! They finished 11-2. Their first loss came in their second to last game against Chanute. Kinda sad to even count that game, since Chanute isnt even in their same league!! Their second loss came to Wellsville, at Wellsville! I can honestly say that I have never seen such a poorly officiated game in my life, as that game was!! Very blatant fouls, and no calls!! Mikaela is now getting ready to train for track now!!
Carter has been excelling in school too! His teacher is very impressed with him! His test scores for the beginning of the year were well above where he had to be! His teacher said she cant wait to show us the newest set of scores!! This year Carter played flag football instead of soccer! His team went undefeated, and won the championship game too!! I am so proud of him!! Basketball season has just started for him. They won their first game 26-6!! He had 2 points, at least 3 assists, and numerous rebounds!!
Keaton is my clown!! He seems to think that school is more for the social aspect, not the learning one. He is a very happy kid, but is struggling with his reading, which in turn makes him struggle with his writing. Which really surprises me, because he is such a creative little guy!! For Christmas, he got 3 zsu zsu pets!! And he named them all!! The black one is killer, the brown one is death, and the white one is jesus! =o) He played soccer this year. I really cant remember what his teams final record was, but he seemed to enjoy playing!! He seemed to like playing goalie the best!!
Mackenzie is as cute as ever!! I cant believe she is going to be 3 this year!! Got a funny to share! She informed us that for Christmas or her party...whichever....she wanted a ta-tod (ipod) and a phone!! When I told her that she wasnt going to get any of those, and what else would she like...she thought for a minute, went, "ummmmm.......headphones!" She cracks me up!!