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And so far, it seems like they have all taken it really good! I had a few that were really excited for me! Which that helps alot! I even took some belly pics already!! I have decided that I am going to do that this time. I didnt do it with Carli, and I really regret it now. Assuming everything goes right, this will be our last baby. Kinda sad.

I have yet to tell my boss. He is going to a convention this week in Boston. I thought I would wait until next week to tell him. That way he can enjoy his time away without stressing about me being pregnant. We have another girl at work that is pregnant and is due the middle of next month. We didnt know she was pregnant when we hired her, or he probably wouldnt have hired her. She seems to be doing ok, but you know. She isnt anything like how I am when I am pregnant and working.

I have been having the same crazy itching of my legs this time that I did last time when I was pregnant with Carli. It drives me batty!! And for the last week or so, I have been having lower back pains. Yesterday was the worse it has been so far. I put a heat pack on it, one of those disposable ones, and it helps alot. Think I might have to buy some more of those to keep on hand!!

I talked to my specialist's nurse yesterday. He is actually the dr that delivered Carli. Liz was super excited for us. She said they normally see you around 20 weeks, since the baby should be nice and big for an u/s. Unless of course my dr here wants me to see him sooner. I am really looking forward to that appt. She checked her calendar and told me that that will be right before Thanksgiving! I think it would be so cool to know what we are having by then!! I am keeping my fingers crossed for that!!


congratulations! on your new baby!

your baby girl, Carli, is beautiful. i'm sorry for your loss. i too lost my daughter, Mia, to CDH.

July 25, 2007 at 10:44 PM  

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