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Happy New Year!

.It is January 1, 2012! Wish I had some super cool words to share.  We did have fun at the get together we went to last nite.  I think I had more fun than Casey did of course...cuz I had more alcohol than he did.  It was a complete family activity.  The kids got to go too! It was cool! Lots of fireworks at midnite...lots of food...and a ton of friends just hanging out together.

I have to admit, I always get a little sad about going into a new year.  Not that 2011 was anything special this year.  Actually in a way, I am kinda looking forward to 2012.  I really hope this is the best year yet.  Sometimes it is a struggle...with everything it seems.  I tend to feel like I am the one who has all the stress on me.  I'm sure Casey feels the same way...but hell if I know it. Communication...that is what we need!  Guess I should include that in my goals for this year too. 

I almost wish the rec was open today so I could go start my running back up.  Think I will try the Couch to 5K program again.  It seems to be a good program!!


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