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and do a quick update!! i went to the dr last friday....Kenzi is measuring spot on, as usual. i had some blood drawn to see if i am low on iron...Dr. S talked to Dr. E who said that I can go to the hospital here to have my blood crossed and typed...yeah for that!! that way I dont have to drive an hour to the other hospital for that!! he said i just need to do it sometime the week before the section! which is now OFFICIALLY set!! Mackenzie Grace will be making her grand apperance on March 17th, just like i had hoped for!! i am so excited about that!! now we can make definite plans. that is the week the kids will be on spring break here. i think casey's mom will take that day off to be with the kids while casey goes to the hospital with me at the butt crack of dawn! then she can bring them up after i have Kenzi! i can hardly wait! we have the room painted, the border up, the crib is up. i think maybe next weekend we might go see if we can find a dresser to match her crib. i really am wanting to put some of the baby stuff away. but all i have right now is her closet and a purple tote that we had bought to put baby stuff in at first.

i had casey get down the car seat, so that is out as you can see in the last post. i find i like going into what is gonna be kenzi's room and sometimes just sit in there, and look at all the sweet baby stuff. the kids will go in and do it with me too. i am sure casey thinks i am whacko or something, but it does bring a small sense of security i guess it is!

in 5 1/2 weeks we will be having Kenzi. seems like so long, yet so close all at once. i still have a ton of stuff to do. i guess that is just the norm thou, huh. i guess i need to make that my focal point of getting it done.....knowing that all i have is 5 1/2 get my rear in gear!!!


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