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Yeah!! I am so happy! I just got this set up to send texts or email to update my blog!! Woohoo! Now if I am out and about and want to update, or in the car being the passenger and I have a thought I want to blog I can!!

Gotta brag on the littlest one again! Z has been doing great with potty training! She has been using pullups and hasnt had hardly any accidents! Yesterday she wore one all day at the babysitter, as the day before! She only pottied in her pullup while we were on our way to the City! So, while at Wal*Mart, we changed her pullup. Made it home, and it was dry. Which is pretty cool considering she fell asleep on the way home! So we get home, and she said she didnt need to potty. She wore her pullup to bed and guess what!!!! It still had the butterflies on it!! The ones that let you know if they have pottied in them or not!! Way to go Z!!

We got a few snacks and such when we were in the city. I was really hoping to get me and Z a new swimsuit. I hate shopping for swimsuits for me! =0( I am ok for the most part with my body. I mean, I would love to have a little more in the chest area, and a touch flatter of a stomach! But for the most part my body is pretty good for having had 5 babies! I just have this one area on my hips I guess it is that drives me insane. Just need a cute suit that can hide that part! Most suits dont cover it! I am sure there is the perfect cute one out there, just need to keep looking! And when it comes to suits for Z, I am not one for getting the cartoon characters on the suits. I just dont think they look as cute. So I am on the look out for a cute pattern suit for her. Which Wal*Mart only had character ones! =0( Wish we didnt live an hour or so away from the City! Only made it to Sam's and Wal*Mart last nite!

Casey had Aladdin on his computer playing right now! I forgot how much I like that movie! The Genie just came out! *LOL* Amazing how easy the words to "Never had a friend like me" come screeching right back to you! I think I must have watched it alot when it first came out and I was babysitting!!

I really need to figure out how to update the place! Need a new background and such! I never really could change it without it being a royal pain in my ass! Maybe I will see what I can find!


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