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A long, long time ago. Why am I complaining about this?? Because if I dont blog about it, I might very well hurt my very own 5th grader. I asked Mikaela earlier tonite if she had any homework...her response....No. Guess what I hear at 9 p.m. Mom, I need a 5 minute speech for tomorrow.

Wait a second...I think I asked if there was any homework!! Why am I hearing this NOW?? I happened to luck out of having to take speech class in high school. Much to my daughter's dismay I am sure now. Mikaela tells me that her group has nominated her to run for her 5th grade class president...against one of the doctors kids! And that she needs a 5 minute speech!! I dont do speeches!! I am just not good with that kind of stuff. Especially when I am hit with it on a Monday nite! Mondays are always the worst!!

So, I help her out...but what I get her is only about a minute long! I told her that was the best I had for her...she was gonna have to try to find 4 more minutes!!

Then I just tried to give Keaton some of my cough medicine because he is hacking away....that was a disaster waiting to happen. I think it is a horrible, no good day!!!


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