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I woke up this morning from a horrible nightmare! I know I have been a little sad here lately, not that anyone knows that thou. I have seemed nothing but excited. So, I guess it had to come out thru my sleep huh?

All I really know is how bad I felt after this dream, or nightmare. Basically, my baby didnt live. I dont know exactly why, but I know she didnt make it. I know in this nightmare that I just kept crying. With all the issues that I am having with having 2 different antibodies in my blood, I have been informed that it wouldnt be in my best interest to have any more babies. Which just really affected me all the more.

I know this is nothing more than my mind letting this stress free. I really havent had any negative feelings about what might happen with Mackenzie, and I really dont think that this has anything to do with my delivery. I think just that we are so close to having Kenzi and being so close to Carli's birthday is getting to me more than I am admitting.

I am trying to think of all the positive things. I really think I will miss being pregnant. But at the same time, I am ready to meet Mackenzie!!!

Sorry for such a downer post, but I just felt that I needed to get it out.


I'm thinking about you today Darcie & praying for the safe arrival of Mackenzie!!!

March 14, 2008 at 12:13 AM  

You don't have to apologize. It's ok to feel whatever you're feeling. Better to do that than let it eat you up from the inside.

Can't wait to see pics of the newest addition!

March 18, 2008 at 8:48 AM  

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