Ok...we probably do need the rain...but did it have to rain today? Mikaela was suppose to have a ball game tonite. The first nite of her tournament! We were all kinda bummed thou, cuz she has to play a really good team that only lost one game!! Yikes!! Oh well...guess it has been delayed for now! I was bummed too because she was suppose to go on a cool field trip today with the Rec Center to a place called Marble Madness. But I told her she needed to stay home instead since they werent due to be back until 4:30 and she was probably going to have to head out right around that time. They never schedule stuff on Wednesdays...it is suppose to be family nite with church and the such! So, we not only didnt have a ball game, but she also didnt get to go on her field trip.
On a good note about Mikaela and softball....she was so hyped! Last Thursday at her last regular season game...she got to pitch!! She has only been wanting to do it all season!! And she did really good!! I dont think she had one crazy pitch! Way to go Mikaela.
We had Carter's 5th birthday party this weekend! It went really well....we had some of his friends from his preschool class there, along with one of the kids from the sitters, and our neighbor's little girl. There were tons of kids here it seemed! He had a TMNT party! The pinata went over really well as usual. It was great!!
The only bad part about Carter's party was when I lost it and ended up going into Carter's room and cried. The kids were all so anxious to get started with the pinata, and my neighbor started recording it on the video camera. After the pinata, we came inside and had Carter open his presents! That is when it hit me...I dont think I fast forwarded it to the end. I went up to Carter's room and checked the tape. I had the most sickening feeling in my stomach!! I HADNT fast forwarded it!! And that was the tape that we had taped Carli with! I have been beating myself up for days now. I am so pissed off at myself!! What was I thinking having that tape in there!! I know there is nothing that can be done now...other than trying to get over it!
On the TTC front...I ordered some ovulation predictor kits. They should be in my order tomorrow at work. I also ordered some Lydia Pinkham herbal stuff. Dont know if it works or not, but I am gonna at least look at it. Next week on the 5th is when Fertility Friend says my ovulation is predicted for according to my cycles. Please let this be my cycle. I have mixed feelings about us concieving this cycle. If we go according to my period, my due date would be March 27, 2008. That is kinda hard to imagine that I would even attempt to try to have another baby at the same time frame. But, if it is meant to happen, then it will. I figure that is just a chance I am willing to take. My ideal time for a baby would be in May. As silly as it sounds, that way I could finish out my consecutive month of births...I have Carli in March, Keaton in April, no one in May..Carter in June, and Mikaela in July.
The Butterfly bush that we planted for Carli is doing great!! When the boys and I went out and watered it last nite, we saw the first bloom on it!! A pretty little purple flower!! I will have to take pictures to show!! We still dont have the bench out at Carli's site. Carter keeps asking me when will Carli's stone be there. I am really expecting it sometime this week...but it is suppose to rain all damn week. So, if it is raining he wont be able to come and place it! =( The Butterfly plants are looking pretty good!! There are 3 of them...one is really big and bushy, the second one is a little smaller, and the last one is still looking pretty wimpy. We have been teasing Keaton that that is his plant. It has been getting just a little more extra miracle grow than the others..well, maybe just a little more water!
Well, how is that for the mother of somewhat update? I will try to post more often. Should be a little easier since ball season is pretty much over!!
wow! You've been busy! Now how about pictures?
I'm so sorry about the tape. Try not to beat yourself up over it. {{{hugs}}}
Catherine said...
June 28, 2007 at 7:55 AM