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I belong to a message board that I joined when I had Carter. I received a wonderful package from them today!! There was something in there for everyone!! The boys each received a coloring book and crayons, Mikaela received a beautiful necklace, I got a bracelet that has all 4 of my babies initials, with pink and blue butterflies. Well, here is a picture of it all!! There is a beautiful pink blanket with Carli's name and date of birth on it, a butterfly figurine with Carli's birthstone on it, a book entitled "We were gonna have an baby, but got an angel instead", a book called Empty Cradle, Broken heart, another book, An Empty Cradle, A full Heart. A personalized scrapbook with Carli's name on it, a personalized wind chime, and a little purple scrapbook with words of encouragement from them all!! Oh, and I cant forget the money order for $220! Words cannot explain how thankful I am to them all!!


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